I was showing my photographer friend how Expodisc work so I used him as my model to show this demo that I mess up last workshop that I had at the beach.
Here's a better view of the result of using Expodisc for color correction through camera custom white balance.
This photos are not color corrected in PS this is straight from my camera and just resized and put together to show the difference.
The 1st picture was shot in Auto White Balance Setting as you can see it has some red and yellow color cast.
The 2nd picture was shot in Tungsten White Balance Setting this should have given as the right color because I used a Tungsten setting on a Tungsten light condition but still has some yellow color cast.
The 3rd picture was shot using the Custom White Balance created through Expodisc. all the colors are natural and true.
Equipment Used: Canon 20D shoot directly towards the model.
Lighting Condition: Tungsten Lamp in the Bathroom
Camera Setting: Manual, 32mm Focal lenght, f/2.8 Apperture, 1/50 sec shutter on ISO-200 speed.
Product: Expodisc
Website: http://www.expodisc.com
The Best Review I found on the Net about this product: http://www.a-digital-eye.net/expodisc.html